Round 2 Write-up (13 October 2012)

Saturday 13 October 2012
After spending all week looking at the weather forecasts, come race day it was proved that the weather men were absolutely bloody right. We had a good turnout of cars considering the predictions with 12 cars entered. A couple of wise drivers decided not to practise due to the appalling conditions, however 9 brave or deluded drivers decided to venture out, with Dean Perkins qualifying fastest in his 61 sec capable Falcon at 85 seconds. The rest of us were some way behind that.

Ross GoldingThe weather got slightly better after practice but by the time our 1st race came around it had deteriorated to about the same as for practice. A few drivers decided at this point it was better to wait out the weather and see what happened later in the day, the Pink car however decided it couldn't rely on the driver to be smart and so decided it would have some random clutch problem, a pity really as it had qualifed 3rd. Of the 5 brave souls who actually started all made it to the end of the race without damage. The winner being Dean Perkins, followed by Ross Golding and new member Michael Crawley 3rd.

Tony GordonThe conditions for race 2 were considerably better but the cars were still on wets, except for Tony van Tiel who did not have any, this turned out to be to his advantage as he crossed the line first but on adjusted handcap results the winner was Tony Gordon, followed by Ross Golding and then Michael Crawley.

By Race 3 the conditions were actually almost pleasant with a completely dry track and some reasonable lap times. The track was so dry in fact that Tony Gordon broke a half-shaft getting off the line. Again the results needed to be adjusted for the rapidly improving times with all cars but one breaking the 1 second bust out rule. The final results being Bruce Mcrae 1st, Ross Golding 2nd and Tony van Tiel 3rd by a fraction of a second from Graham Cargill.

Bruce McRaeOnce the racing was over all drivers and crew were invited back to a BBQ at Dean Perkins' man cathedral just a few minutes from the track, where a good time was had by all.

                                                                                                Paul Burnet

Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2012
