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Prize winners for the last few seasons are as follows: 


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Colin Schischka Kayton Coughey Tony Galbraith
Class B Tony McKenzie-Edwards Chris Anderson Graham Cargill
Invitation Class Mike Dias Ron Findlay
Rookie of the year Troy Guise


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Dave Campbell Colin Schischka Billy Dunn
Class B Michael Crawley Paul Burnet Tony McKenzie-Edwards
Invitation Class Dean Hansen Ron Findlay Mike Dias
Rookie of the year Dean Hansen


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Veen Smith Colin Schischka Bruce McRae
Class B Michael Crawley Karl Shields Paul Burnet
Invitation Class Mike Dias Tony Gordon
Rookie of the year Keith Sinclair


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Bruce McRae Tony Galbraith Billy Dunn
Class B Michael Crawley Colin Schischka Rowan Tonkin / David Howell
Invitation Class Tony Gordon Mike Dias
Rookie of the year Colin Schischka


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Dean Perkins Tony Galbraith Justin Butcher
Class B Veen Smith Stu Rowling Tony van Tiel
Invitation Class Ron Findlay Mike Dias Ross Graham
Rookie of the year Ross Christensen



Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Ross Golding Duane Ingley Dean Perkins
Class B Paul Burnet Graham Cargill Michael Crawley
Invitation Class Ron Findlay Tony Gordon Mike Dias
Rookie of the year Rowan Tonkin and David Howell



Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Tony Gailbraith Colin Meadows Andrew Turner
Class B Cam Crawford Veen Smith Paul Burnet


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class A Colin Meadows Bruce McRae Tim La Trobe
Class B Tony van Tiel Hamish Andrews Dr John Elliot


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Justin Butcher Bruce McRae Ross Golding
Under 4.5 litre Roy Bingley Graham Cargill Paul Burnet


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Paul Sinclair       Colin Meadows Andrew Turner
Under 4.5 litre Paul Burnet Roy Bingley Graham Cargill


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Andrew Turner  Colin Meadows   Dave O'Leary
Under 4.5 litre Ron Findlay Paul Burnet John Elliot


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Rhys Mountfort Justin Butcher    Bruce McRae   
Under 4.5 litre Graham Cargill Steve Melhuish Dave Jeffreys


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Rhys Mountfort  Billy Dunn Andrew Sinclair
Under 4.5 litre Paul Burnet Dave Jeffreys Graham Cargill


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Over 4.5 litre Rhys Mountfort   Tony Rattrie John Colebourne
Under 4.5 litre Kevin Harrison Brett Harrison Brent Addis