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  • It was a fine Saturday at Pukekohe for our second to last round at the famous old track, the day was not without its difficulties as because of horse training we could not get on the track until 10 and parts of the in-field area we not available for parking.
    Posted: Wednesday 19 October 2022
  • A slightly overcast, decidedly cool and a damp track greeted NMC and the Racing Saloons who were unlucky enough to be first up. Qualifying went without incident however with all driver successfully coping with the tricky conditions. It was great to see Ross Golding back in his Marlboro Commodore and Troy Guise in his Dick Johnson Falcon after a long absence.
    Fastest NMC car as Kayton is his silver HQ 4 door Monaro followed by Tony in his Charger and then Paul who was running his Group A Mustang to sort out a few handling issues.
    Posted: Monday 19 September 2022
  • Round 8 Taupo 29 May 2022
    Not surprisingly the temperature was cold, even for those of us that were lucky enough to get a garage as these were in short supply due to the GTRNZ guys racing at this meeting as well. There were only three of us at Taupo, being Craig Horn in the ex Veen Smith Commodore, Chris Anderson in the JPS Mustang and myself in Pinky. As usual we were combined with the Racing Saloons along with 4 RX7s from NZRRE.
    Pinky managed to spin at turn two of lap 1 on brand new tyres in the very cold conditions but in the end was the fastest NMC car with a relatively slow time of 1:43.8.
    Posted: Thursday 2 June 2022
  • Again the weather was perfect with possible showers later in the day which never affected us fortunately. Numbers we again very modest as were the numbers of racing saloons that were combined with us.
    We had Michael Bristow driving Cam Crawford’s Mercury Cyclone which after some enhancements was achieved a pole time of 1:08.0 followed by Craig Horn in the ex Veen Smith Commodore then the Paul in the pink Torana.
    Posted: Monday 2 May 2022
  • Although it is listed as round 4 it was really Round 1 for NMC, the other 3 races being cancelled due to COVID. A small but dedicated number turned on a very pleasant weekend in Taupo, unusually not too hot and not too cold.
    We had new member Rhys Gould running his South Island Muscle car. Unsurprising, this car will forever be known as the Dean Perkins Falcon, having 20 odd years of Dean’s ownership. By the end of the meeting Rhys was really getting on top of it. Craig Horn’s red LJ GTR Torana was being driven this weekend by Paul Ives.
    Posted: Tuesday 8 March 2022
  • A perfectly fine but very cool day greeted us at Pukekohe Park Raceway for the last round of our series terminating a very challenging season both with COVID and numbers of competitors.
    As has become usual this season we were combined with Racing Saloons we also did have a few of extra cars with David Hopper driving the Army Camaro, John McKechnie in the genuine Cambridge Monaro, Jason Rati in the red Falcon XA coupe and Craig Mayall in the V6 Commodore.
    It was also great to see Wes Kidby back in his white SLR L34 Torana and Robbo Robinson in his 65 Mustang.
    Posted: Saturday 8 May 2021
  • Unfortunately I cannot report another gloriously sunny day for a race meeting however the weather ultimately turned out ok much better than the very wet day before. NMC were unfortunate as we were first up and although it was not raining the track was very damp.
    Again we had a modest number of entries and so were combined this time with Racing Saloons we did have a couple of extra cars with John Penny driving the Hopper Army Camaro and Michael Bristow driving Cam Crawford’s 1969 Mercury Cyclone.
    Posted: Monday 26 April 2021
  • Round 3 Hampton Downs Saturday 28th November 2020
    Saturday was a good day for this round as the weather was great, unlike the next day which was a bit damp and drizzly.
    Again we had a modest number of entries but it was good to see new members Steve Doughty, Glen Chappel and Vince Douglas performing well, along with Andrew Ross back with a real diff now in his Falcon.
    Posted: Monday 7 December 2020
  • Round 2 Pukekohe Old Circuit Sun 4th October 2020
    While this is called round 2 it was our first race day of the season.
    Our first round was due to be raced on Sunday 30th of August but was postponed until Sunday 13th of September due to COVID and then that round ended up being cancelled.
    The Auckland Car Club had to put in a huge amount of effort to run a meeting under COVID level. With possibly the largest field ever seen at an ACC one day meeting, there were a lot of extra things to be attended to, to ensure sufficient separation for the 187 competitors and the one allowed crew member. Spectators unfortunately had to be turned away, including club member Ross Graham who wanted to come all the way from New Plymouth just to watch.
    Posted: Sunday 18 October 2020
  • Another fine race day, it has been dry so long now I sure most drivers will have forgotten about wet race meetings.
    We had a modest number of entries including guest Shane Wigston (who was after a sub 60 second lap on the real Pukekohe circuit). For this meeting we were combined with the racing saloons which gave an initial field of 20 cars for qualifying but unfortunately it was soon whittled down although we did gain Tony Galbraith as he was a late arrival flying in from Christchurch on the day. Special mention must be made of Chris Anderson who after engine issues at Taupo in the last round put his old 289 engine in the Mustang to be able to compete with us and maintain his points lead in Class B.
    For the NMC cars Shane qualified quickest with a 59.996 (very well done) followed by Kayton on 64.3 and then Paul on a 65.5.
    Posted: Friday 6 March 2020
  • Round 4 Taupo Saturday 8th February 2020
    It’s been dry so long no one even considered anything else and they were correct.
    We had a very small entry which got smaller after race one. Paul was back however with Pinky and the billet block which led the way in qualifying with a 1:41.0, followed by Kayton and Kevin.
    Posted: Tuesday 11 February 2020
  • The forecast was for fine weather and that’s what we got with the day getting hotter and hotter as it went on.
    We had a smallish entry with 8 members including new club member Bruce Dreadon in his black 65 Mustang and a guest appearance by Russell Dunn in his XY Falcon. Qualifying went well and because it was cool and the tyres were not yet destroyed by Taupo’s abrasive surface most drivers recorded their best times during this season. Fastest was Tony G in the Charger with a 1.37.1, followed by the very crisp sounding Torana of Clarke Hopkins at 1.38.2 and then Allan in his Commodore at 1:40.4
    Posted: Monday 25 November 2019
  • After a very wet August in Auckland Sunday was fine as forecast but very cold and foggy until about 9:30.

    We had a reasonable field of a dozen cars with Cam Crawford being an unfortunate late withdrawal in his brand new unraced 1969 Mercury Cyclone his place was taken by a late entry from Tony Galbraith, other members were either previously committed on Fathers days or their cars not quite ready. Cam’s old car the XA Falcon Coupe has been sold to his cousin Vince Douglas but was raced on the day by another cousin Greg Holden known to most as Snapa all very incestuous must be a West Auckland thing.

    Qualifying was the beginning of our drama filled day with Kayton stopping with a broken diff and Michael Crawley with a spin and then a fire under the bonnet. Snapa headed the timesheets with a very good 1.11.575 followed by Dave Campbell and Tony Galbraith. Mike Oldham in his new 65 Mustang was the fastest of the Group B cars, then Andrew Ross in his upgrade Pinepac Falcon even though he had brake issues and then Chris Anderson in his upgraded JPS Mustang.
    Posted: Thursday 5 September 2019
  • Even though the meeting was pushed out by a week due to a scheduling issue by Hampton Downs, we had a reasonable turnout but lost Alan Pearce due to the clash with a CMC Round at Taupo.
    The weather did at some stages during the day look a bit doubtful but, in the end, turned out ok.
    It was the silver HQ of Kayton that took pole with a very good time of 1:12.746 followed by Dave Campbell in the Mustang and Colin Schischka in the Corvette. Michael Crawley in his Commodore was the quickest of the Class B cars, then Warren in the blue SLR 5000 followed by Wes in the white L34. Unfortunately for Graham in the red Charger, the bottom snapped off his distributor so he was out for the rest of the day.
    Posted: Monday 22 April 2019
  • Thanks to Phil Noble for the action photos on facebook NZ Classic Car Racing and used here.
    Another beautiful day which left no doubt that the wets could be left on the trailer. There were a couple of extra classes running at this meeting which meant that the pits were quite cramped and the day was long.
    We qualified with the Racing Saloons but did not race with them.
    There were some good times recorded in qualifying with even better to come for most people later in the day, but your name had to be Paul to be on the front row with the Urquhart XA Falcon Coupe edging out the Burnet pink Torana by 0.2 of a second, then less than another tenth back was Dave Campbell in the Mustang followed by the Commodores of Calvin and Ross. We lost Colin in the big block Corvette at this point with gearbox issues “the only non Corvette part in the car”
    Posted: Wednesday 6 March 2019
  • The day was dry, the day was hot, the day was very very hot.
    The drivers were hot with Dave Campbell in the Fox body Mustang fastest with a very good time of 1:11.758 and Michael Crawley in the Commodore with a PB of 113.215, then Ross G, Paul and Kayton all in the 1:14s.
    Posted: Tuesday 12 February 2019
  • The forecast was pretty good and as promised by Allan the weather stayed good all day.
    We had a reasonable entry with 12 members and a guest appearance by Russell Dunn in his XY Falcon. We did however lose Calvin to oil leak issues but it was great to see him and Linda at the track.
    Russell was recorded with the fastest time with Allan in the Commodore second, followed by Ross Graham’s A9X Torana. Most drivers struggled with the very low grip track conditions.
    Posted: Tuesday 20 November 2018
  • Weather was better than forecast with no rain but quite cold.
    We were, for this round combined with Racing saloons who also has some Historic Sports sedans included with them which certainly made the handicapping a challenge.
    A good turnout of cars with new members Paul Urquhart White XA Coupe, Warren Betts with a blue SLR 5000 Torana and Michael Bristow in a Perana Capri.
    Posted: Monday 15 October 2018
  • Well for the first race of our new season we had a great entry and really bad weather. I know for sure we would have had another couple of entries if the forecast had of been better.
    It was great to see some members who have not raced with us recently back and into it.
    Dave Campbell, Michael Crawley, Sean Fowler, Greig Running, Dean Hansen and Pinky.
    There was a driver who entered but decided the sunny weather of Northern California where he has been racing recently was more to his liking than a track that was totally wet with small streams running across it.
    Qualifying went without incident other than ageing most of the drivers another couple of years, other than Greig Running didn’t manage to get onto the track.
    Dean Hansen was fastest followed by Michael Crawley, Ross Golding and Pinky.
    Posted: Saturday 8 September 2018
  • With a good weather forecast and turnout for our last round, 14 Muscle cars including guest Russell Dunn in his 1971 XY Falcon made the grid and one interloping late model Commodore. I suspect this race may be be the first race in NZ in the last 40 years where there were 3 Chargers on the grid. I would be pleased to hear your thoughts on this.
    Tony G in the Charger scorched qualifying with a personal best of 1:09.3, followed by Allan Pearce in the red Commodore and Colin Schischka in the Corvette. Troy was the leading Class B car, soon to be Class A by the lap time he put in, a very quick 1:13.057.
    Posted: Sunday 15 April 2018
  • Round 6 Pukekohe Park Raceway Sunday 4th March 2018
    Good weather, although the forecast had been doubtful all week and a great field of 16 cars including 3 guests: John Midgley in the blue XE Falcon, David Hopper in the US Army 69 Camaro, and Lee Budd in the 1994 Mag and Turbo Falcon.
    It was very pleasing to see the 3 cars that had received damage at the last meeting only 3 weeks before all present on the dummy grid for qualifying. Great job you guys, however Troy’s Dick Johnson replica Falcon had vibration issues and was retired for the day.
    Posted: Tuesday 6 March 2018

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